Take The Go By Bike Challenge

Take The Go By Bike Challenge     Trek would like to extend a special invitation to take the “Go By Bike Challenge”—a national pledge campaign sponsored by 1 World 2 Wheels that challenges the nation to put down the car keys and instead go by bike.   Take the pledge Read more…

Bike to Work

May is National Bike Month,  May 12-16th is Bike-To-Work Week and May 16th is Bike-To-Work Day.   You’ll improve your fitness. You’ll save money. And you’ll help ease pollution and traffic congestion. What are you waiting for?   Trek has a great article here and the League of American Bicyclists has put Read more…

Dick Burke Memorial Ride

To all Friends of Trek, On March 10th we lost Dick Burke, Founder or Trek Bicycles, to complications from heart surgery.  Dick was a man that has touched all of our lives, directly or indirectly, in so many positive ways it’s impossible to measure.   Dick raised a great family, built Read more…

Let Levi Ride

  When Trek helped me implement the idea for a “Let Levi Ride” campaign, I immediately recognized its potential to create positive energy in response to my and my teammates’ exclusion from ASO events, as well as its ability to unify cycling fans into one voice. With the Tour of Read more…

29 cent coffee

For all of us coffee lovers, you can get a Coffee for 29 Cents on Leap Day at Einstein Bros. Bagels, Noah’s Bagels.  Say ‘Happy Leap Day’ At Any Location and Get a Regular Drip Coffee for 29 Cents    In celebration of Leap Day, Einstein Bros.® Bagels and Noah’s® Read more…

2008 Valley of the Sun Event Shirt

Thank you very much to Mary, Ashley, Cheryl, Bill,  & Chuck for helping with the sales of the event shirts this past weekend.  We started with 100 and now we’re down to 5 XL’s.  Priced at $10 each please contact Paco to get yours.  SOLD