Landis/Trek Teams at National Championships

Landis/Trek Regional and Junior Teams at
USAC National Championships

Landis/Trek Teams had seven racers compete at Nationals with two seniors, two U23, two 17-18 juniors and one 15-16 junior.
Some of the top results:
Brandon McNulty
5th Place
Junior 15 – 16 Time Trial
Brandon McNulty
7th Place
Junior 15 – 16 Criterium
Michael Dziedzic
11th Place
Pro, 1 – U23 Criterium
Michael Dziedzic
22nd Place
Pro, 1 – U23 Time Trial
George Cyrus
23rd Place
Men – 1 Criterium
Brandon McNulty
24th Place
Junior 15 – 16 Road Race
Jared Gilyard
30th Place
Men – 1 Road Race
Michael Dziedzic
34th Place
Pro, 1 – U23 Road Race
George Cyrus
39th Place
Men – 1 Time Trial
Landis/Trek Teams at National Championships  
Brandon McNulty 5th Place Junior 15-16 Time Trial Championship Podium
Landis/Trek Teams at National Championships
Brandon 7th Place Junior 15-16 Criterium Championship Race

Landis/Trek Teams at National Championships
Regional Team guys at the Trek Headquarters in Waterloo WI

2013 Landis – Trek Men's Domestic Elite Team

The 2013 Landis – Trek Men’s Regional Team Camp

2013 Landis - Trek Men's Domestic Elite Team

From left to right: Chris Aten, Drew Miller, Sam Bell (new junior) Kenny Polley (junior), Taylor Skinner (hiding new junior) Michael Dziedzic (U23), Nick Schreiber, Mark Aasmundstad (new), George Cyrus, Thomas Jondall (U23), Quinn Keogh (new), Jared Gilyard (new)

2013 Landis – Trek Junior Team

Introducing the 2013 Landis – Trek Junior Team

2013 Landis - Trek Junior Team

From left to right: Samuel Bell, Lance Eddis-Finbow, Taylor Skinner, Kenny Polley, Walter Lopez, Brandon McNulty, Dave Polley
Not pictured: Ken Anderson

Men WIN 2012 AZ State TTT

Landis – Trek George Cyrus WIN

2012 Arizona State Time Trial

Men WIN 2012 AZ State TTT

Landis – Trek Men WIN

2012 Arizona State Team Time Trial

Men WIN 2012 AZ State TTT

Time of 49:00 minutes for a new AZ State Record

Landis – Trek Masters Men 2nd

2012 Atrizona State Team Time Trial

Men WIN 2012 AZ State TTT


AZ State Road Race Report

Matching the Wind: A View from the Men’s Category 1-2 Arizona State Road Race 2014

For those of you that may not have heard, the Landis/Trek Men’s Regional Team finished 1, 2 at the Arizona State Road Race and placed four riders in the Top Ten!!

WMRC Regional Team Member Mark Aasmundstad has written a very warm, exhilarating and insightful account.

Below are a couple of inticing snippets to whet your appetite!!!  There is a link to the entire Road Race Report at the bottom.

Enjoy the article, Thanks Mark, Thanks WMRC!!


Part I: Race Preparation

September 2013 was the last time I felt the pulses of bike racing.   I had been concentrating on work and family but I was missing racing so much I awakened to the idea that the right balance of racing could boost and sharpen my life focus, rather than detract from it. 

Part II: The Race

On race day winds were steady around 30 miles per hour and gusts felt like a tall farmer with the open palms of his big hands was leaning with all his mass against our bikes and bodies. 

For some reason Paul attacked again.  We all watched stunned and unbelieving. 

The sense of excitement of breaking free from the pack’s tenacity was accentuated by such a long wait. I’m finally doing something besides hanging on! 
The Landis-Trek team rode as one and made each individual stronger.
Link to the entire report:


Meeting Tonight, 7PM, Landis Cyclery, Scottsdale Location.

Hello everyone,
As you may have noticed, the WMRC website was down for a while, but there IS a meeting tonight. It will be held at 7pm at the Scottsdale Landis Shop. I’m not sure what’s on the agenda, but I can tell you that we will begin with another great presentation from our own Tyrone Holmes. Tonight’s topic is “5 Reasons to Train (And Race) with Power”. Come join us!

-Joe Statt

Meeting Tonight, 7PM, Landis Cyclery, Scottsdale Location.

Hello everyone,
As you may have noticed, the WMRC website was down for a while, but there IS a meeting tonight. It will be held at 7pm at the Scottsdale Landis Shop. I’m not sure what’s on the agenda, but I can tell you that we will begin with another great presentation from our own Tyrone Holmes. Tonights topic is “5 Reasons to Train (And Race) with Power”. Come join us!

-Joe Statt

An Economic Impact Study of Bicycling in Arizona

The Arizona Department of Transportation, Multimodal Planning Division, Bicycle and Pedestrian Program, has completed An Economic Impact Study of Bicycling in Arizona: Out‑of-State Bicycle Tourists & Exports.


The purpose of the study was to examine two key economic-related segments of bicycling:

·        The bicycle industry of Arizona, which includes manufacturers of bicycles and related products, bike shops (including repair, rentals, etc.), and other bicycle-related enterprises; AND

·        Bicycle tourism and visitor spending associated with organized tours, rides, and races in Arizona.


Annual direct and indirect/induced economic contribution of sales to out-of-state buyers is estimated at $57.6 million and 317 jobs. (The figures include effects of manufacturing/wholesaling export sales). Due to the small size of the survey sample, these numbers should be thought of as initial findings subject to supplemental verification in future years.


Annual retail sales of bicycle-related goods in Arizona, to local and out-of-state customers, in all store types and including service and rentals, are estimated to be $114 million (excluding internet sales).


The study findings related to bicycle tourism include the following:


·        At least 250 events annually attract about 14,000 participants from outside the state; these participants’ travel parties include 36,500 total visitors (including the participants) to the state, annually;

·        Compared to the typical cross-section of tourists coming to Arizona, these participants are more educated and have higher incomes; and

·        The estimated annual direct and indirect/induced economic contribution of these participants totals $30.6 million and 404 jobs.


In addition to the out-of-state visitors, another 39,000 Arizonans ride in the events inventoried for this study annually.


Final documents, including Executive Summary – Final Report, Final Report, and Final Report – Appendix, are posted on the project web site at


Please contact me if you would like to discuss our conclusions and recommendations.


Thank you,


Michael N. Sanders

Bicycle and Pedestrian Program Coordinator

206 S. 17th Ave., Mail Drop 310B

Phoenix, AZ   85007



City of Phoenix Pedestrian and Bicycling Ad Hoc Task Force

The City of Phoenix will be preparing a new Complete Streets policy which will include many
elements to make city streets safer and more functional for all users. This policy will incorporate an
updated Bicycle Master Plan and a Pedestrian Safety Action Plan. One representative from each
Phoenix City Council District, plus four at-large members, will be selected to serve on the Task Force
to provide input on this plan. If you are selected, the time commitment will be approximately 5-6
hours per month, for up to 9 months. If you are interested, please fill out the following form and
submit to [email protected] or mail to City of Phoenix Street Transportation Department,
200 W. Washington Street, 5th Floor, 85003, Attention: Matthew Heil.  Applications will be accepted
until 5 p.m., August 16, 2013. All applications will be reviewed and forwarded to the Mayor’s Office
for consideration.

For more information: