Volunteers for VOS

We are in need of volunteers to put on the premier Arizona bicycle race of 2019 – the 27th Annual John Earley Memorial Valley of the Sun Stage Race, scheduled for the weekend of Feb 15 – 17. There are a number of positions available, some of which are in the days and weeks leading up to the race, and many during the race itself.   Volunteering is a great way to enjoy the team camaraderie and have fun (and we feed you!).

Time Trail…
1. Course Set up
2. Caller for riders
3. Sweep Vehicle
4. Rider Holder
5. Course Break down

Road Race…
1. Course set up
2. Sign in..
3. Feed zone marshal… (fun job…)
4. Wheel check in
5. Follow Vehicles… driver and support… (Big Need…)
6. Parking control
7. Course break down

1. Course set up…
2. Corner Marshals
3. Results Coordinator
4. Rider sign in
5. Course Break down

Interested volunteers please contact us at [email protected].

All volunteers receive a VOS Volunteer T-shirt, food and drink for their shift and the opportunity to meet new and fun people.


Valley of the Sun Stage Race – Frequently Asked Questions

In addition to the USA Cycling Rulebook, All RIDERS, COACHES and PARENTS are expected to READ the Technical Guide.

This race is supported exclusively by volunteers so please be polite with our volunteers and don’t hesitate to thank them for their assistance in making this race.

The following items are of particular importance:

  • Parking: Park only where indicated
  • Portable Toilets: Nothing will get us kicked out of a venue faster than using private property as a toilet.
  • Helmets: Must be worn and secured at all times while on a bicycle.
  • Road Race Traffic: On race day Hwy 187 is ONE-WAY ONLY

Failure to comply with these requests will result in FINEs and/or disqualification



Q. What do I need to know about registration?


A. NO REFUNDS ALLOWED ONCE REGISTRATION CLOSES. We have a limit of 100 riders per category (75 for Cat 5 Men & Cat 4 Women) and categories fill quickly so register early.

A. Riders must register for the category listed on their 2018 USA Cycling license.

*** Riders will not be allowed to change their category at packet pickup

*** NO rider substitutions or replacements are allowed

Q. If I miss the deadline for online registration can I still race?

A.  No. Every year we have so many people miss the registration deadline and we feel bad for them.  Unfortunately, once registration closes we immediately take the list of usually about 800 registered racers and start building the Time Trial start list so we can get the TT start times posted ASAP.  Once this happens we cannot add any additional racers.

Please make it easy on everyone and register early.



Q. Will you accept my ACA or UCI license?

A. ACA = Verify this with USAC for 2018. It is the riders responsibility to have a current and valid race license. You must have this with you at packet pickup

A. We will accept any CURRENT (2018) UCI, Canada, Mexico license.

Q. I’m a 43 year old male Cat 5 rider, can I register for Masters?

A. YES, all Master’s races are open to all category racers.

Q. Where and when is packet pick-up?

A.. Packet pick-up times and locations can be found on the Race Flyer.

Thursday, 2/15/2018  4PM – 8PM, Landis Cyclery, Rural & Warner, Tempe

Friday, 2/16/2018  Starting at 7am, TT Venue

Q. When and where will the Time Trial start times be posted? 

A. Wednesday night at the latest on this web page.

Q. Can I register for just the Time Trial? 

A. Yes, but you will not receive a discount on entry


Q. Can I register for just the Road Race or Criterium? 

A. NO, in order to race the Road Race you must start and finish the Time Trial.  In order to race the Criterium you much start and finish the Road Race.


Q. Do I have to wear my helmet even when I’m rolling around the parking lot?

A. YES – A per USA Cycling Rule 1J1. Helmets. At all times when participating in an event held under a USA Cycling event permit, including club rides, any rider on a bicycle or motorcycle shall wear a protective, securely fastened helmet that satisfies the standards specified in USA Cycling Policies. (Policy I, Sections 1 and 2 – see appendices.) [disqualification and a $20 fine for failure to wear or for removing such a helmet during a race. The fine is also applicable if the rider is not racing, but is participating in the event as described below]. “Participating in an event” means riding a bicycle in the vicinity of a race at any time between the beginning of registration and the last awarding of prizes, but does not apply to riding rollers or stationary trainers in order to warm up.

Q. Do Juniors have a gear restriction?

A. YES – All juniors have gear restrictions. All juniors must participate in rollout before and after every stage. If you miss rollout, you will be disqualified.  Details can be found in the USA Cycling Rulebook Section 1I4

Q. Do I have to sign-in everyday?

A. Riders are REQUIRED to sign-in before the Road Race & Criterium (There is no sign-in required for the TT).  Failure to sign-in will result in a fine of $20.00 for the first offense, per USAC rules.  Check individual stage details for sign-in locations and additional instructions.

Q. Can I change my time trial start time?

A. NO – TT start times will be available Wednesday night at the latest on this web page **DO NOT MISS YOUR START TIME – NO RESTARTS ALLOWED

TT start order (First Rider off at 9:00 a.m.):

Men 5
Masters Women 35+
Masters Women 50+
Women 4/5
Masters Men 65+
Masters Men 55+
Masters Men 45+
Masters Men 35+
Men 4
Men 3
Men 2
Women 3
Women Pro, 1, 2
Men Pro, 1
Juniors 17-18
Juniors 15-16
Hand Cycle *
Juniors 9 – 14 **


Q. Do I have to wear both jersey numbers? What about my frame number?

A. YES , each rider will be given two (2) bib numbers and one (1) frame number.  DO NOT CUT, FOLD, WRINKLE or ALTER NUMBERS!

Jersey Numbers

·         All riders MUST WEAR BOTH bib numbers for all stages.  If you do not wear both bib numbers you will be assessed a 20-second penalty!

·         Numbers must be worn on the lower part of the jersey just above the jersey pocket and along the side seam

Frame Numbers

·         Time Trial: Frame number is NOT required

·         Road Race & Criterium: Frame number IS required

Q. How do I get a Feedzone pass for the Road Race?

A. Feed zone parking is by permit only and extremely limited.  Permits will be available at the Road Race sign-in only. If you do not have a feed zone permit, plan on carpooling with other teams

Q. Where can I find results?

A. RESULTS are posted daily at the following locations:

  • Time Trial – on the Landis Cyclery Trailer next to sign-in
    There will be an awards ceremony at the TT for the top 5 finishers.
  • Road Race – Results will NOT be posted at the Road Race
    Posted online and at the Criterium on the Landis Trailer next to sign-in
  • Criterium – on the Landis Cyclery Trailer next to sign-in
  • Online at www.wmrc.org
  • Final results will be posted online within 1 week of event completion. These results are FINAL! See USA Cycling Rulebook for protest information.

Q. What is the tentative schedule for the TT, RR and Crit?

A. Please see the previous years race Technical Guide for a tentative race schedule.

Additional questions email: [email protected]




Preview Attachment Size
2014-VOS-Stage-Schedules.pdf 537.68 KB

2015 Valley of the Sun Stage Race

23rd Annual John Earley Memorial

Valley of the Sun Stage Race

February 13 – 15, 2015

Permit # 2015-314

The Valley of the Sun bike race is a three-day event in which professional and amateur road racing cyclists of different categories compete for cash and prizes.  A stage is held each day consisting of a time trial, a road race and a criterium.

There are over 800 participants in 23 categories of professional and amateur riders, both men and women, ages 10 to over 60. The cyclists that have the lowest cumulative time from the three stages will win in their respective categories.

2015 VOS Voler Leader Jersey
2015 VOS Voler Leader Jersey

Time Trial Start List


Press Release for Immediate Release

In memory of Glenn Ferguson Harris

Listen to Alt AZ 93.3 Valley Focus for VOS aired 2-1-2015

Kids Bike Rodeo Safety Clinic and Race

Race Flyer

New for 2015 are a Hand Cycle race and Masters Women 50+ race.

Registration Closed

Host Houses Needed 

Junior 15 – 18 Time Trial Equipment Change

2015 Technical Guide

Click to view 2014 race info

VOS Crit YouTube Video

2014 State Road Race WIN

Landis/Trek Team WINs AZ State Road Race
with Paul Thomas backed by strong team

2014 State Road Race WIN
Mark Aasmundstad 2nd, Michael Dziedzic 4th

Great showing by WMRC members in all groups

2014 State Road Race WIN


Junior Fundraiser for Regional Talent ID Camps

Junior Fundraiser

The USA selection camp for l, Abitibi is June 8 to 13.

More info on the camp can be found at: https://www.usacycling.org/regional-talent-id-camps.htm 

This camp is the selection process to be chosen to race on a team to race at the tour de l, Abitibi, the worlds longest and larger junior stage race. It is an honor to go and a amazing experience coming from a recent competitor.

The cost of the camp is tremendous. Over $800 per rider just to attend the camp, and $2000 for Abitibi if you are selected. We are setting a goal of raising  $4000 to spread evenly among the Landis/Trek junior members that are attending the camp.  All donation will go directly to the junior riders to pay for the camp.

WMRC is a 501 c3 so all donations are tax deductible 

Junior Fundraiser for Regional Talent ID Camps 

Junior Fundraiser for Regional Talent ID Camps

WMRC Juniors after Valley of the Sun SR

The Juniors have a Facebook page up where you can read all about the team! here is the link https://www.facebook.com/LandisTrekDevoTeam
